News Research 02.24.20
Caldwell Awarded OPERF Fillauer Prize
BETHESDA, MD — The Orthotic and Prosthetic Education and Research Foundation (OPERF), Inc. is proud to announce that Ryan Caldwell, CP/LP, FAAOP, is awarded the organization’s Carlton Fillauer Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Prosthetics Science and Practice.

The OPERF Carlton Fillauer Prize, an endowed prize sponsored by Fillauer Companies Inc., is awarded to an individual who has actively engaged in clinical care, research, and publication in the prosthetic profession. This $5,000 unrestricted cash prize is presented biennially.
Caldwell is certified as a prosthetist by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC), a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, and is a specialist and field expert for Advanced Lower Limb Prosthetic Sockets with the use of Active Vacuum Technology. Ryan was a key developer of the NU FlexSIV socket, which utilizes Active Vacuum Technology for the transfemoral user.

Ryan has been part of the adjunct faculty at Northwestern University Prosthetic-Orthotic Center and established the Active Vacuum course in 2008. Ryan is also a research prosthetist for Northwestern University, and has given numerous presentations nationally and internationally and has co-authored several peer-reviewed journal articles, which have been published in a variety of allied health and engineering journals.
The Carlton Fillauer Prize will be presented at the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium in Chicago, March 4, 2020.