Reclaiming Movement with the AllPro

Reclaiming Movement with the AllPro
Erin Ball
Erin Ball, a double below-knee amputee from Canada, is a circus artist, coach, and accessibility consultant who is always on the move. Performing and teaching on her slow tour, Erin finds that being active is essential to her mental health and her connection with the community.
For Erin, the AllPro Direct Mount has transformed her daily life. “I tried running for years on other feet and couldn’t make it work, there were a lot of tears,” she shares. “Now, I can put on the Fillauer Obsidian Blades and go for a run anytime. I also use the AllPro for partner acrobatics. It’s great for landing, and the ankle shape is an asset.”
Having worn the AllPro for over 5 years, Erin says, “It has flexibility and makes a lot of activities much more comfortable and efficient.”