General 01.27.23
Jason Lucci, Canadian Taska Pioneer
The newly released issue of Thrive, a Canadian magazine helping people live well with limb loss, includes a feature article on amputee Jason Lucci. Jason has helped support and build the highly-respected Amputee Coalition of Toronto, is a Taska Champion, and has the distinction of being the first Taska user in Canada.
Jason lost his right hand in a work accident in 2017. His journey to healing was a difficult road, and learning to live with the loss of his hand understandably presented the biggest challenge of his life. “Taking control has been the motto of my recovery” he says, as he works to heal and build his future.
The first time he saw the TASKA on social media he was hooked, but the hand wasn’t yet available in Canada. He made it happen, and now he uses it every day. The confidence he’s gained from it is undeniable, especially for the waterproof features and durability that aren’t found in other myoelectric hands. It brings him balance as does his family. “When my daugher and I go out for a walk, she always wants to hold my hand – not my real hand, my prosthetic hand… she doesn’t know any difference. That makes me happy.”
You can view the latest edition of Thrive here.

The TASKA Gen2 and recently released TASKA CX small hand are available for in-clinic demos. If you are interested please reach out to